Episode 411: Getting mysterious with playwright/screenwriter Jeffrey Hatcher … and then Chapter Eleven of “The Miser’s Dream.”

Jeffrey Hatcher stops by to talk about writing an episode of “Columbo,” how to make new versions of Sherlock Holmes work, and what happens when Ian McKellan takes a nap right before shooting a scene from “Mr. Holmes.”

Jeffrey Hatcher Interview starts at 00:02:23

Chapter Eleven of “The Miser’s Dream” starts at 00:56:32


The Eli Marks Mystery Series: http://www.elimarksmysteries.com/

Get yourself a Free Eli Marks Short Story: https://dl.bookfunnel.com/jj1r1yaavj

Listen to an Eli Marks Audio Short Story: https://BookHip.com/LZBPPMD

Jeffrey Hatcher Facebook Page:  https://www.facebook.com/jeffrey.hatcher.3/

The Good Liar (Trailer): https://youtu.be/ljKzFGpPHhw

Mr. Holmes (Trailer): https://youtu.be/0G1lIBgk4PA

Stage Beauty (Trailer): https://youtu.be/-uc6xEBfdD0

Columbo Clips from “Ashes to Ashes”

Clip One:  https://youtu.be/OCKECiaFsMQ

Clip Two:  https://youtu.be/BbO9SDz9FEc

Clip Three: https://youtu.be/GlNDAVAwMCI

Jeffrey Hatcher on IMDB:  https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0368774

Jeffrey Hatcher Plays on Audio: https://www.audio-visceral.com/purchase

Check out the Occasional Film Podcast:  https://www.fastcheapfilm.com/the-podcast